Saturday, November 15, 2008


I don't much feel like doing anything today, which is funny. My brother and close friends always complain that I work so much that I don't get to spend quality time with them. So I take Saturdays off to do that, and now I'm just sitting here, blogging. Haha, I feel bad. It's just nice to sit back and do.... nothing. It's not something I get to do very often.

Anyhow, a student told me this riddle yesterday:

"I get laid in an alley, you can find me between splits, and I'm ready to go after you stick your fingers in my hole. What am I?"

Give up?

If you figured it out already, way to go! I had so much trouble getting the right answer.

You ready?

Want one more guess?

Want me to tell you now?


Alright fine: I am a......


Haha. I originally said the letter "L". Then I put my fingers up in an L and placed it on my forehead. She didn't think that was too funny~

1 comment:

Sarah-Olivia said...

That actually is pretty funny. I heard a kind of stupid one on Thanksgiving. I am brown and sticky. What am I... A stick! LOL!!! It is good to see how you are doing, I often thin about you and your family. Keep in touch!