Thursday, December 11, 2008


I've been staying up til 5 or 6 AM every night for about the 2 weeks. I've had so much on my mind, and so much occupying it over the last couple weeks that I've stayed up late either thinking, reading, or playing games to clear my head. Should I invest in some sleeping pills?

This morning, I tried to sleep in, but my parents called me at about 10:30 to let me know that they were doing me a great favor. At the time, I was too groggy to look past the fact that they awoke me yet again at an inconvenient time for me to realize how wonderful they are. I really have been blessed with the best parents ever for me.

When my head isn't quite so clouded, I will sit down and write out all the things I'm thinking about in this big head of mine, haha. Give me a little time to figure it out for myself, and then I'll allow you guys to help me sort it all out again.

1 comment:

Bravone said...

EJ, try reading Isaiah. Seriously, I hope you start getting better sleep before it takes a toll on your health.

When you get your big head figured out, you can help's big but rather empty...shouldn't take long.

Take care my friend.