Saturday, December 6, 2008


Hey everyone,

Thanks for taking part in this blog. The uplifting comments you leave here, in other online forums, and in person have meant a lot to me. When I first started writing this blog, my motives were very internally-directed. I had no idea it would affect some of you the way it has. In fact, I thought that it would have the opposite effect in more cases than not. Many of you have shown, instead, a great outpouring of love, and a deeper sense of mutual respect and adulation. I shouldn't be surprised in the slightest; I am blessed to associate with such wonderful people.

I have so much more I want to share with you, and with all those in the world willing to hear, and bear my burden. There are days where I feel my burden is much heavier than on others, but all-in-all, God has shown me a great deal of mercy, and I've had my burdens lightened by divine love more than I ever could have asked.

I am so grateful, this month, to share in the joy of the gift of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, so many wonderful years ago now. I know it can bog us down, all of the commercialization of this holiday. Still, I enjoy the air of excitement, hope, and cheer that only comes this time of year. It's the way we should always feel when we anticipate the coming of our Savior. I am grateful for this opportunity to remember Christ, and all of the splendor that came with his life and his ministry.

Again, thank you all for taking part in my life's story. I love you all, and wish you the merriest of times this month.



Saint Job said...

yeah, another Washingtonian! thanks for sharing yourself.

Bravone said...

Now I know three good Washingtonians:) EJ, something about you just makes me smile. I really appreaciate your contributions and friendship. For some reason, I feel more of the Christmas spirit than in past years. Financial times are about the worst they have ever been for me, yet I still seem to find peace in the season. I hope you have a great Christmas as well.


smeltzer family said...

I love you Junior. I'll always support you in whatever decision you make. I am glad you are so open. I wish I could be more like that. I used to be, but I never got responses that you have gotten. They were actually the opposite, so I've learned to keep in to myself. Sad I know. I hope to see you ... Someday.


melanie said...

We are blessed to associate with you! I appreciate your heartfelt posts and wish you a happy Christmas. Keep writing-- Melanie